Company Penalised Following Legionnaires’ Disease Outbreak: A Deep Dive into the Legionella Risks for Businesses

Legionnaires’ Disease Outbreak

A prominent plastics manufacturing firm, Riaar Plastics Limited, located in West Bromwich, was heavily fined for their negligence that resulted in an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease, showcasing a glaring example of the critical risks companies face if they fail to manage potential threats posed by the Legionella bacteria.

In September 2020, an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease, a dangerous form of pneumonia caused by the Legionella bacteria, led to five individuals becoming severely infected. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) investigated the event, finding that the firm’s water-cooling towers, which were in severe disrepair, harboured the deadly bacteria and caused the outbreak. One individual’s condition worsened to such an extent that they were placed on a ventilator in an intensive care unit.

Businesses bear a significant responsibility in preventing the spread of Legionella bacteria, a common and deadly bacteria, to both their employees and the general public. The HSE found that Riaar Plastics Limited had disregarded this duty, and their poor management of the water-cooling towers at their site on Black Lake, West Bromwich, led to an environment conducive to the growth of Legionella bacteria.

Legionnaires’ disease can be contracted when individuals inhale small water droplets contaminated with Legionella bacteria. The outbreak at Riaar Plastics Limited highlighted the gravity of the risks faced by businesses and the necessity for diligent safety measures to prevent such disasters. HSE’s guidance on managing these risks can be found at: Legionella and legionnaires’ disease – HSE.

Following the incident, Riaar Plastics Limited pleaded guilty to breaching Section 2(1) and 3(1) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 at the Birmingham Magistrates’ Court on 2 June 2023. As a result, the company was ordered to pay a substantial fine of £50,000 and cover £11,000 in costs. The prosecution was directed by HSE principal inspector Jenny Skeldon and HSE senior enforcement lawyer Kiran Cassini.

HSE principal inspector Jenny Skeldon issued a strong statement regarding the incident, emphasizing the criticality of adequate maintenance and proactive management of potential bacterial risks in water-cooling systems. “The exposure risk to employees, site visitors, neighbouring duty holders and members of the public was extreme in nature due to the poor condition of the cooling towers,” she said. “Legionella exposure can cause serious illness or even death where water cooling systems are not managed effectively.”

Companies must understand the potentially devastating consequences of a Legionella outbreak, not just in terms of potential legal and financial penalties, but the impact on their reputation, productivity, and most importantly, the wellbeing of their staff and the public. This serves as a stark reminder of the need for companies to remain vigilant and adopt robust measures to control the risk of Legionella bacteria, safeguarding everyone’s health and safety.

Understanding Legionella and Measures for Compliance

Legionella is a type of bacteria found naturally in freshwater environments, like lakes and streams. It can become a health concern when it grows and spreads in human-made water systems such as hot tubs, cooling towers, hot water tanks, and large plumbing systems. When people are exposed to this bacteria through inhalation of aerosolized water droplets containing the bacteria, it can lead to Legionnaires’ disease, a severe form of pneumonia, or a milder flu-like illness known as Pontiac fever.

In a corporate setting, the risks associated with Legionella become more pronounced due to the widespread use of such water systems. For instance, if a cooling tower that contains the bacteria is not properly maintained, it could lead to an outbreak affecting not only the employees but also the surrounding communities.

In light of these risks, it is critical for organisations to adopt a comprehensive and proactive approach to manage and mitigate the potential dangers posed by Legionella. The following are key steps that companies can take to stay compliant with health and safety regulations:

Risk Assessment: Companies should conduct a thorough risk assessment of their water systems to identify any potential areas where Legionella may grow. This should include assessing water temperature, which should be maintained outside of the 20-50 degrees Celsius range where the bacteria thrive, and any areas of stagnation that may promote bacterial growth.

Regular Inspection and Maintenance: Regular inspection, cleaning, and maintenance of water systems, especially those prone to harbouring Legionella like cooling towers and hot water tanks, are critical to prevent an outbreak. Special attention should be given to areas that could become a breeding ground for Legionella due to the buildup of biofilm, corrosion, or scale.

Monitoring and Record-Keeping: Keeping a record of maintenance, inspections, and any corrective actions taken is a crucial part of compliance. Accurate documentation helps prove that the organisation is taking all necessary steps to manage the risk of Legionella.

Employee Training: Employees who are responsible for managing water systems should receive proper training on Legionella control measures. The training should cover understanding the risks, implementing and managing control measures, and responding effectively to any potential outbreaks.

External Audits and Consultations: Employing third-party auditors or consulting firms specialising in Legionella risk management can help validate the organisation’s efforts and provide additional insights to further enhance their compliance and safety measures.

Outbreak Response Plan: Having a detailed outbreak response plan is crucial to promptly and effectively manage any potential Legionella outbreaks. The plan should include procedures for identifying and confirming the outbreak, notifying relevant authorities, implementing measures to prevent further spread, and addressing any potential health risks to employees and the public.

Implementing these measures is not only a legal obligation but also an ethical responsibility for businesses to safeguard the health and well-being of their employees and the wider community. With a proactive, diligent approach to managing the risk of Legionella, businesses can mitigate potential outbreaks, ensuring a safer, healthier work environment and public space.

Discuss your water safety measures with Water Hygiene Services

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